The Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) for Greene Township is Glen Martin. All inquiries regarding wells, septic systems and perc testing should be directed to him. He is only at Greene Township building on Wednesdays but is available during the below office hours at other Township locations.
Weekly Office Schedule:
Blooming Grove Township (570) 775-6461 ext. 5
Monday 8:30am-12:30pm
Greene Township (570) 676-9974
Wednesday 8:00am-noon
Palmyra Township (570) 226-2230 ext. 104
Tuesday 8:30am-12:30pm
Thursday 8:30am-12:30pm
He can also be reached by email:
How to Submit Permit Applications
**A hard copy of any permit, and the fees via check payable to “Greene Township” (credit cards and cash are not accepted), must be returned via USPS to Greene Township at the address below. Please contact Glen Martin for the appropriate fees.
Greene Township
C/O Glen Martin
198 Brink Hill Rd.
Greentown, PA 18426
Sewage Permit Application
The attached sewage applications must be used to apply for a permit and to be used to soil test your property.
Applicant is to only complete Part I. APPLICANT AND SITE INFORMATION of the application, sign and date at the bottom, then return to Greene Township with the appropriate fees.
Well Permit Application
The below Well Permit Application must be used to apply for a permit to install a well.
Applicant is to fill out Part 1 and DRILLING CONTRACTOR information in Part 2, sign and date at the bottom, then return to Greene Township with the appropriate fees. Please read the instructions under the IMPORTANT section.