…the electors of each township shall elect three supervisors, three auditors and one tax collector. No person shall at the same time hold more than one elective township office.
…at each municipal election, the electors of each township shall elect one supervisor to serve for a term of six years from the first Monday of January after the election.
– per the Second Class Township Code > Article IV
Greene Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania is a township of the Second Class. We have a 3 member board of supervisors who serve overlapping 6 year terms (visit the home page of the website to see the current board of supervisors). To serve as a supervisor, you must have resided in the township for at least 1 year, be at least 18 years old, be registered to vote, and continue to reside in the township.
The electors of the township are responsible for electing the board of supervisors. There are eligibility requirements for voting in Pennsylvania. They can be found here.
First Time Voters
If this is your first time voting in Pennsylvania, you may be confused about what to bring, or where to go to vote. Greene Township, Pike County’s voting location is the Hemlock Grove United Method Church located at 491 Roemerville Rd, Greentown, PA 18426. The polls are open from 7:00am-8:00pm. For more information on what to bring, click here.
How to Register to Vote, or find Elections Information
The Pike County Elections Office maintains and controls all activities relating to Voter Registration and Elections under the supervision of the Pike County Board of Elections.
Nadeen Manzoni – Director
506 Broad St.
Pike County Administration Building
Milford, PA 18337-1535
(570) 296-3426 • nmanzoni@pikepa.org