Many people in our area are not aware there is help for those who need food assistance. The Newfoundland Food Pantry is available for Greene Township residents in need.
During the current times of uncertainty, and the fast approaching holidays, the food pantry would benefit immensely from generous donations. Some items needed include canned goods and toiletries.
If you are able to donate to the local food pantry, goods can be dropped off at the municipal building at 198 Brink Hill Rd., Greentown on Monday-Thursday between 9:00am-2:30pm.
If you are a Greene Township resident in need of assistance and would like more information on if you are eligible to sign up to receive from the food pantry, please call (570) 676-4066.
The Newfoundland Food Pantry
3rd Thursday of each month from 12:00pm-2:00pm
Dreher Township Building
899 Main St., Newfoundland